CFS incident alert for a structure fire at Pt Vincent 19 December 2019
Good morning this is Kathy Baklan from the Country Fire Service at 3.45m on Thursday December 19, 2019 with details on a structure fire at a residential house on Main Street, Pt Vincent.
At 1.53am CFS crews were alerted structure fire at a residential home.
Six appliances and 30 CFS volunteers arrived on the scene to find the house fully involved. Two female occupants were inside the house at the time but managed to get out. One female suffered minor burns to her hands and feet from rescuing their two dogs and was treated by SAAS at the scene. SAPOL was also in attendance.
Fire Cause Investigators will attend the scene to determine the cause of the fire, with damages estimated to be in excess of $100,000.
2019-12-19 Kathy Baklan