$800,000 save in Stansbury structure fire - 22 September 2023

A café in Weaver Street, Stansbury on South Australia’s Yorke Peninsula has been significantly damaged by fire. However, CFS crews have prevented the fire from spreading to one of the town’s main supermarkets, an estimated $800,000 save.
CFS volunteer firefighters on 9 trucks were called to the Blue Lime Café around 9:15pm on Friday evening, where firefighters found the building alight, with fire breaching through the roof.
Firefighters wearing breathing apparatus contained the fire to the café’s kitchen, preventing it from spreading through the restaurant and milk bar within the building. The structure has significant smoke damage.
Despite the wind pushing the flames towards the neighbouring supermarket, volunteer firefighters were able to stop the fire from impacting the building.
CFS crews are expected to remain on scene for several hours, using specialist thermal imaging cameras to identify hot spots and extinguish them.
Firefighters have been supported by SA Police, SA Ambulance Service and SA Power Networks.
The total damage bill is estimated to be more than $200,000 and fire investigators will attend the scene in the morning to determine the cause.

Stansbury image 4 September 22Stansbury image 1 22 September

2023-09-23 Alexandra Neailey