$100,000 shed fire at Humbug Scrub - 28 April 2022
At approximately 8:30pm this evening, CFS crews were called to a structure fire on Kestel Road, Humbug Scrub, about 50km north-east of Adelaide.
Upon arrival, crews discovered that a 30x20m shed on the property was well alight. Six CFS crews - with the support of MFS - worked to control the fire, with SAPOL and SAAS on scene to provide assistance and monitor crew welfare.
The shed and it’s contents, which included a vehicle, were destroyed. However, firefighters were able to prevent the fire from spreading to adjacent properties.
Losses are estimated at approximately $100,000, and whilst the fire is not suspicious at this stage, Fire Cause Investigators will attend in the morning.
The main fire has been extinguished, but firefighters will be on scene for some time to make the site safe.
2022-04-28 Keisha Hanbury