Mount Lofty Ranges Fire Danger Season extended until May 15
Lower than average rainfalls combined with higher than average temperatures has led to the CFS extending the Fire Danger Season by 15 days for the Mount Lofty Ranges.
CFS Director of Preparedness Operations Leigh Miller said the risk of bushfire will not subside until we have substantial rainfall to encourage green grass growth and increase fuel moisture in bushland areas.
"We would require rainfall of more than 70mm in some areas, combined with milder autumn conditions, before we are likely to see a reduction in risk," Mr Miller said.
Some areas of the Mount Lofty Ranges are between 25 - 100mm lower than their average rainfall from January to April according to Bureau of Meteorology records.
Mr Miller cautioned people in areas where the Fire Danger Season had, or was about to be, completed when commencing burn-offs.
Mr Miller advised that anyone wishing to do any burning after the season has ended to comply with the Broad Acre Burning Code of Practice to make sure burning is done safely.
"There will still be patches within the state where fuel loads are still high and very dry, so people may need to delay their burn-offs a few more weeks to avoid large fires," he said.
Fire Danger Season completion dates for the Adelaide Metropolitan, Kangaroo Island, Lower South East, Mid North, and Yorke Peninsula fire ban districts will still finish on 30 April 2018.