SA Country Fire Service

Media release



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Lightning band increases fire risk across SA tonight


The CFS is currently responding to a number of fires as a result of lightning strikes from a storm band moving across the state's West, North West, Mid North and into the Upper South East. Numerous grass and crop fires have started, requiring attendance from a large number of stations.

The CFS expects this band of lightning to trigger more fires over the next 3-6 hours as it moves across the state. Currently, severe fire conditions mean these fires could quickly establish and present a threat to communities.

The Bureau of Meteorology has issued a Severe Thunderstorm warning for damaging wind for people in Eastern Eyre Peninsula, Flinders, Mid-North, Riverland, North-West Pastoral, and parts of the West Coast, Yorke Peninsula, Murray Lands and North East Pastoral Districts.

Communities are reminded a fire in their area could result in a loss of power, communications and water, and hazardous driving conditions, which may affect your options for remaining safe.

People in these regions are urged to ensure their bushfire survival plans are prepared, to stay informed and observe their local conditions.



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Media information
For media enquiries call the CFS Media Line on 08 8115 3531.

Government of South Australia