SA Country Fire Service

Media release

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Fire Danger Season ends for two districts


The fire danger season will end at midnight the 31st of March for the North West Pastoral and North East Pastoral Districts.

From April 1 fire restrictions will no longer apply to the two districts but will continue for the 13 other Fire Ban Districts across South Australia.

CFS State Coordinator, Yvette Dowling, says many land owners across the two districts will conduct burn-offs now the Fire Danger Season is over.

"The end of the fire danger season doesn't give carte blanche to light fires. If you are planning burning-off activities you must still be diligent to ensure a fire does not get out of control which may threaten lives and property," Ms Dowling said.

"We urge people conducting burn-offs near a homestead or other structure to make sure all precautions and contingency plans are in place to manage the fire should it get out of control.

"Local residents can contact their local council for advice on burning-off outside of the Fire Danger Season."

Ms Dowling said it was also important to note that total Fire Bans may also be declared outside the Fire Danger Season. In this event a permit will be required and may be obtained from local councils.

For more information on the Fire Danger Season dates for South Australia's 15 Fire Ban Districts, visit the CFS website at or contact the Bushfire Hotline on 1300 362 361.

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Media information
For media enquiries call the CFS Media Line on 08 8115 3531.

Government of South Australia