SA Country Fire Service

Media release

Elevated fire risk for Mount Lofy Ranges


The CFS urges the community to exercise caution when conducting burn offs in the Mount Lofty Ranges tomorrow, due to an elevated fire risk.

CFS State Duty Commander, Scott Turner, said the public should be mindful of their activities this weekend based on the forecast weather conditions.

"With warmer temperatures and strong wind gusts forecast for Saturday, residents are encouraged to exercise caution and only conduct burn offs in the early morning or late in the day."

"During burn offs, a responsible person should be in attendance at all times, with water or suitable fire extinguisher to hand."

"A burn can easily get out of control unless it's carefully planned and various steps are followed including supervising it at all times and making sure it's carried out with extreme caution at the right time, including checking that the burn is fully extinguished and cold."

Mr Turner said that outside of the Fire Danger Season landholders need to be aware of their local council's Code of Practice for burning off and follow their guidelines.

The predicted warmer weather for Saturday is also a timely reminder of the predicted fire risk for the upcoming Fire Danger Season and the need for all South Australians to undertake other bushfire preparation activities, including creating or updating your bushfire survival plan and moving flammable items from under your veranda so that if a fire starts, items close to your house don't catch fire.

Higher temperatures will also be experienced across the state, with a Total Fire Ban with an extreme rating declared for the Eastern Eyre Peninsula on Saturday.

The Fire Danger Season has already commenced on the Eastern Eyre Peninsula. However, residents must be aware of further restrictions that are in place on a Total Fire Ban Day.

The Mount Lofty Ranges Fire Ban District will commence on the 15th of November.

For more information about the Fire Danger Ratings and Total Fire Bans, visit the CFS website at

Media information
For media enquiries call the CFS Media Line on 08 8115 3531.

Government of South Australia