Lower South-East in Fire Danger Season
The Fire Danger Season has today begun in the Lower South-East, with fire restrictions having been in place from midnight.
The Lower South-East Fire Ban District includes the council areas of Grant, Kingston, Kingston District Council, Mount Gambier, Naracoorte and Lucindale, Robe and Wattle Range.
CFS State Coordinator Yvette Dowling said there are restrictions in place about what you can and cannot do during the Fire Danger Season.
"It is important for people to be aware that certain activities are restricted during the Fire Danger Season, and if required they must obtain the relevant permit from their local council," State Coordinator Dowling said.
Entering the Fire Danger Season is a timely reminder for the community to understand their bushfire risk, be prepared and know what they will do if confronted by a bushfire.
"We cannot stress enough the importance of having a Bushfire Survival Plan in place," State Coordinator Dowling said.
"The danger of a bushfire can present well ahead of a fire front in the form of ember attack and smoke, and your best defence is to have a plan and know exactly what you will do in this scenario.
"Leaving when the fire front is approaching is too late, so we are urging the community to make a decision now as to what they will do and seek the appropriate information that will help them prepare their Bushfire Survival Plan."
The CFS website has information to help residents assess their household's risk and to develop a Bushfire Survival Plan.
The community should familiarise themselves with various ways to receive information such as monitoring local emergency broadcast media, signing on to CFS social media sites, registering for RSS feeds or subscribing to email notifications through the CFS website.
Visit the CFS website www.cfs.sa.gov.au to find out more about how you can prepare this Fire Danger Season.