SA Country Fire Service

Media release

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Smoke in North East Pastoral region


Several fires are burning in South Australia's North East Pastoral district with the CFS advising the general public travelling in the area to exercise caution.

CFS Regional Commander Bluey Devine said the fire is burning in a remote part of the State and currently does not pose any threat to life.

"Two fires are burning on Quinyambie Station near the New South Wales border," Mr Devine said.

"The largest is just north of Tilcha and has burnt approximately 64,000 hectares," he said.

"The second fire near Yandama Creek has burnt 37,000 hectares."

Another fire is burning north-east of Lake Callabonna that has swept through around 50,000 hectares.

Smoke may be visible from these fires and anyone travelling in their vicinity is advised to be vigilant and to take extreme care.

These fires are being monitored by the CFS.

For information about CFS-related incidents visit the CFS website at or contact the Bushfire Information Hotline on 1300 362 361

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Media information
For media enquiries call the CFS Media Line on 08 8115 3531.

Government of South Australia