SA Country Fire Service

Media release

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New national incident management guidelines


The SA Country Fire Service (CFS) is today hosting a workshop with the Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council (AFAC) to reveal the new Australasian Inter-service Incident Management System (AIIMS) that emergency services will be adopting.

A recent review into AIIMS, which is the incident management system used by Australia and New Zealand, has prompted the release of a 4th edition of the AIIMS Manual.

CFS Deputy Chief Officer Andrew Lawson says the new edition will outline changes to the way an Incident Controller and their teams manage information during a major incident such as a bushfire.

"There is now a greater focus on the value of public information during an incident," Mr Lawson said.

"Distributing accurate public information during an incident is critical, and we recognise now more than ever before that this is just as important as putting out the fire.

"The outcomes of AFAC's review will reflect a more contemporary structure that will enable CFS and other emergency agencies to improve the management of information during major incidents."

Federal, state and local government agencies are gathering with private sector members to hear the changes to the AIIMS doctrine.

"The changes will affect the way senior agency personnel and trainers develop and maintain incident management capabilities," CFS Deputy Chief Lawson said.

"They will also impact the way incident management team members, particularly incident controllers, build and apply intelligence during an incident."

Mr Lawson was selected by AFAC to be part of the national steering group that developed the new manual.

Today's workshop in Adelaide forms part of a series of AFAC workshops which are being held across Australia to outline the changes to AIIMS.

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Media information
For media enquiries call the CFS Media Line on 08 8115 3531.

Government of South Australia