SA Country Fire Service

Media release

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CFS and MFS crews responded to a tree fire in Macdonald Park at approximately 1.30pm this afternoon.

It is believed the fire began as a rubbish burn which then spread, impacting multiple glass-houses. The fire was also threatening a near-by house but due to the quick response of the fire crews, the house was not affected.

The CFS is urging the public to exercise caution when burning on their property.

"If you are undertaking burning on your property, make sure the area is clear of all flammable material and ensure that someone is in attendance for the duration of the burn," CFS Acting Deputy Chief Officer Rob Sandford said.

"It is important to have sufficient water or an extinguishing agent on hand.

"Any sort of burning is risky, and people should consider their actions before undertaking this sort of activity to ensure their personal safety, and that of the community."

The glass-house contained a crop of cut-flowers, and damage is estimated to be approximately $100,000.

SAPOL is investigating the incident.

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Media information
For media enquiries call the CFS Media Line on 08 8115 3531.

Government of South Australia