Don't let your burn-offs start other fires
The Country Fire Service (CFS) is asking private landholders who are conducting burn-offs to monitor their fires and keep it confined to their land.
CFS Regional Operations Planning Officer Jason Druwitt says while landholders are doing the right thing by reducing fuel loads on their properties, fires must be monitored at all times.
"People who are conducting burn-offs on their property or burning rubbish in their yards have a responsibility to ensure the fire is under control," Mr Druwitt said.
"Unattended fires pose the risk of burning out of control and becoming a bushfire, which is why the fire must be supervised at all times," he said.
"We recommend that a four-metre break clear of flammable fuel is established before burning, and that there is someone in attendance with a means of extinguishing the blaze."
Weather conditions should also be checked prior to burning to ensure safe conditions are forecasted prior to the burn and for a few days after the burning is completed.
"Windy conditions can increase the chance of the fire spreading, so burning should only take place if the forecast indicates low temperatures with mild wind activity," Mr Druwitt said.
"If forecasted weather conditions indicate high temperatures or strong winds, the burn should be postponed until more favourable weather conditions are presented."
Landowners conducting burn-offs must also ensure the fire is fully extinguished after the burn.
"Fires can smoulder without being obvious and warm winds can rekindle flames and restart the fire, so it's important to make sure the fire is completely extinguished," Mr Druwitt said.
For more information about burn-offs visit the CFS website at
For up-to-date weather information visit the Bureau of Meteorology website